Is she mad because we have all the factions in our blood? I just wish I knew the right answer I want to know the truth, I want justice and equality for my fellow divergents and if this is the way I can get it I will shoot serum into Jeneane's neck every single day until I get what I want. We are still staring at the screen with blank faces once her first fear is done it’s on to number two. We see a cloudy grey sky and then she starts walking she’s on a rope she’s holding a ball it had all the factions logos on it, it’s the ball that only divergents can open she starts yelling they are very shrilling. She falls off the rope onto a tarp which leads to her next which fear which starts with her walking into a house there is a man standing there looks her age, she tries to push past him but she can’t manage to. He then points to a clock that says 6:04 PM he smacks her so hard it leaves a mark she runs over to the stove and puts a pan on and grabs some meat and vegetables from the fridge as she starts cooking I see something on the man's wrist it has all the factions logos! We all knew at this moment why Jenene had a fear of divergents she was abused by one previously that explains
Is she mad because we have all the factions in our blood? I just wish I knew the right answer I want to know the truth, I want justice and equality for my fellow divergents and if this is the way I can get it I will shoot serum into Jeneane's neck every single day until I get what I want. We are still staring at the screen with blank faces once her first fear is done it’s on to number two. We see a cloudy grey sky and then she starts walking she’s on a rope she’s holding a ball it had all the factions logos on it, it’s the ball that only divergents can open she starts yelling they are very shrilling. She falls off the rope onto a tarp which leads to her next which fear which starts with her walking into a house there is a man standing there looks her age, she tries to push past him but she can’t manage to. He then points to a clock that says 6:04 PM he smacks her so hard it leaves a mark she runs over to the stove and puts a pan on and grabs some meat and vegetables from the fridge as she starts cooking I see something on the man's wrist it has all the factions logos! We all knew at this moment why Jenene had a fear of divergents she was abused by one previously that explains