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Advantages of socialism/communism can include equal pay rates between all members of the society, therefore lower class people can have the same pay as higher class and wealthier people, leading to a minimization in the gap between the rich and the poor. Another advantage can be free healthcare, this is due so that everyone receives the same medical attention and treated equally. Lastly, everyone can have a job. Due to the communist belief, everyone is equal and all citizens are entitled to jobs. However, every citizen must to their part for the economy to receive pay/other benefits. This ultimately leads to a more stable economy. Disadvantages of socialism/communism can be that poverty is unavoidable. Due to corruption and greed, government officials typically steal large amounts of money, leading to poverty amongst all citizens. Another disadvantage can be that there are no freedom in the country, there is no religious freedom, no speech freedom, not even thought freedom. Lastly, everyone is limited to what they can earn. No matter how hard you work, your pay still stays the same. 3. A country, such as Canada, may have mixed political ideologies since the government believes in both ideologies and wishes to utilize it. The government may want to use democracy for its values in individual/personal freedom as well as its protection for people’s fundamental rights under the country’s constitution. However, the government may also wish to use socialist principles under its ruling. For instance, the Canadian government encourages state ownership, control and regulation of production, distribution and exchange. This will minimize the imbalance between the rich and the poor, therefore reaches a position where all citizens are more equal, which falls under the ideology of socialist democracy. 4. There are major differences between democracies in each country. Case in point, the difference between the democracies between the country of Israel and Canada. In Israel, all things are fairly related to its religion, Judaism. An instance can be seen in its judicial system, where the system includes religious courts for Jewish citizens and non-Jewish citizens whereas in Canada, the judicial system does not include religious courts but rather federal and provincial courts. Another example can be seen where Israel identifies itself as a Jewish and democratic states whereas Canada only defines itself as a democratic state. An additional vital difference is the armies in both countries; in Israel, most Israelis are drafted into the army at the age of 18 for 2-3 years but in Canada, joining the army is an option for all citizens above 18. Last but not least, a crucial contrast between Israel and Canada is its electoral system. Canada uses a first-past-the-post electoral system while Israel uses a proportional electoral system. Nevertheless, there is a major similarity between the two countries, and that is the guaranteed civil rights and liberties of its citizens, which includes freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, as well as freedom of religion. 5. The Internet and social media have a massive influence on the process of global activism. Nowadays, one doesn’t even have to step out of their room to make a difference around the world. Due to effectiveness of social media and the Internet, anyone can share their opinions freely, without the influence of others. This can pose numerous advantages and disadvantages; a disadvantage might be negative information and rumours are easily spread across the globe through