Research Question: Does having a family member with a history of drug abuse affect the likelihood of personal drug abuse?
Arranged alphabetically by year
1. Samek, Diana R., Martha A. Reuter, Margaret A. Keyes, Matt McGue, and William G. Iacono. 2015 "Parent involvement, sibling companionship, and adolescent substance use: a longitudinal, genetically informed design." Journal of family psychology 29(4):614-622.
This article brings up the point that children do better when their home environment is better. It speaks on the issue of “nature vs. nurture” and proposes that substance abuse is a factor that probably has to do with both genetics and environment. It says that they work together and depend on …show more content…
It found that there is a direct correlation between the two. The correlation is extremely strong, in fact, stronger than that between a substance abusing parent and a child using. This is because of the imbalance of power between siblings, or the older sibling acting as a role model to the younger. Not only does the younger sibling attempt to act like the older, but it often hangs out with friends whose behaviors resemble that of the older …show more content…
It has different chapters on a number of issues surrounding the topic. Some of the most prominent ones to my paper include those on prenatal exposure—that is, the mother uses while she is pregnant, often causing the baby to be born addicted or withdrawing from the substance, as well as parent-child relationships when the parent is a substance abuser, and social ecology of adolescents with substance abusing parents. It also looks at different racial groups and features a chapter about American Indian children and African American