In Fahrenheit 451 everyone relies on technology. Especially Mildred, who always has the parlor on and her seashells in her ears. No one in the book can have a solid connection with other people due to technology filling the void of love and connection that we need with real humans to live. “There was a tiny dance of melody in the air, her seashell tamped in her ear again and she was listening to far people in far places,”( Bradbury 34). This quote shows how Mildred, she was addicted to technology. In the real world 50% of teens say they feel they are addicted to technology in some way. Everyone nowadays has a smartphone, tv or computer that …show more content…
Mildred misused medication like she doesn’t care about her life or anything around her. It’s such a normal thing for everyone in that society. “Maybe you took two pills and forgot and took two more and forgot again and took two more, and you were so dopey you kept right on until you had thirty or forty of them in you.” This shows that Mildred certainly didn’t consider anything when she was taking those pills, didn’t even care what Montag had to think of her trying to take her life. Consequently in our world today there is an immense opioid crisis due to the accessibility to all the drugs. In the article “About the Epidemic” it tells us how the US is getting more and more addicted to opioids and how some of the problem can be blamed on doctors for prescribing opioids for pain. Accordingly drugs are becoming so much easier to access and people are using drugs now more than ever, we could be heading in the direction of the book in terms of the norm of