“It was a pleasure to burn. It's was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.” (Pg 3). In Fahrenheit 451 this is the start of the book and where Montag grows from. In the beginning Montag is mostly like everyone else. On page 23 Clarisse asks why Montag is a firemen. She says that he is different. Then on page 141 Montag is starting to rethink his life “one of them had to stop burning. The sun wouldn't, certainly. So it looked as if it had to be Montag and the people he had worked with until a few hours ago.” This quote shows where Montag is now. Page 163 Granger explains what a phoenix is. He talks about the cycles of burning and being reborn. Montag is just like the Phoenix because he is going through his own cycle. In the beginning he starts of ignorant and clueless. In the middle of his cycle he stars talking to Clarisse and memorized a book. Then when he burns up in his cycle that's when he kills Betty and burns all his books and house. And finally when he finds people on the railroads he is re born and is a whole new person. He realizes this and knows that it is up to him to then build up his city from the ashes. I'm this novel the Phoenix is a very important symbol because it describes Montag’s journey towards enlightenment and sets the stage for the other symbols On page 27 Betty is talking about the Mechanical hound; a boy metal spider hunting machine. At first it's like why is the hound even in the book? Only when the hounds symbol meaning is revealed it makes sense. In the story the hound Ava like the enforcer of the no book law that started many generations …show more content…
This is the exact question that Mrs. Blake ask herself when the fire men come to her house and try to burn her books on page 39. In Fahrenheit 451 this is a huge turning point for Montag because he reads his first book. Then later on page 152 Granger says that everyone ha memorized books because they are books. Their stories are books and it's time for their books to become more interesting. Their books are the things that they are remembered for. Montag during this part relishes that he is apart of something bigger, something that will change the world. On page 3 when Montag says that it is a pleasure to see things blackened and changed he is talking about himself and roaring from his own ashes. His new life is carrying on the stories of the past