B) Critical Analysis:
1) Montag is proud of himself and his job. He grins when he is burning houses and books. He also states that kerosene which is the fuel used by the firemen in his society is nothing but perfume to him when he is talking to Clarisse. This implies that he is eager to tell the others that he is a fireman and his pride in his job.
2) When Clarisse says she is not afraid of Montag, Montag is surprised and asks why she has to be afraid of him. This shows that Montag is proud of his job. He thinks that firemen are prestigious and respected in the society because they are burning books to keep the others happy. Clarisse’s statement contradicts Montag’s expectations.
3) Clarisse thinks about …show more content…
It is neither living nor dead. It can insert a hollow steel needle and inject massive jolts of morphine or procaine and its high speed allows it to kill many animals in a few seconds. The Mechanical Hound is made of “brass and … copper and … steel” (24) and sensitive capillary hairs and eight legs. This proves the advancement of technology and its function to reinforce the law indicates the society’s heavy reliance on technological products such as the Seashells and the wall-to-wall circuit TV. It also represents censorship in Montag’s society. The Hound “[sleeps] but [does] not sleep, [lives] but [does] not live” (24) which is similar to censorship. It exists everywhere although it seems that it does not exist as the authority never admits that they are suppressing ideas. Moreover, the Hound only functions but “doesn’t like or dislike” (26). At the same time, people in Montag’s society do not have their own opinions and only follows the majority similar to the Hound following its program. The Hound is the same as the people in a way that they do not have emotions or …show more content…
She cannot hear what Montag says. Communication is an interactive process but Mildred fails to listen which hinders their communication. Similarly, in reality, technological products such as computers, televisions, mobile phones prevent people from interacting. People are obsessed with these products that they cannot listen to the others and interact properly.
10) When Montag tells Mildred that they burnt an old woman, Mildred thinks that it is nothing special. She assumes that the authors of the books the old woman keeps are radical even thought she has not read them. This reflects that Mildred is naive and prejudiced. She takes the unreasonable opinions for granted and only cares about her own interests.
11) Beatty means that ideas are materialized, and photography and motion pictures allow objects to reappear so things become simpler. Literature and knowledge are simplified into a one-page digest so people indeed learn nothing from the college and they will not become smarter than anyone else. Everyone is intellectually equal in the society. Absolute equality is achieved but the society cannot