Teamwork is generally viewed as a group of people that work together in order to achieve a common goal throughout the world. Examples can be seen on fields where soccer, football and baseball teams play around the country and the world. Each team will go …show more content…
It is at this stage expectations and ground rules are established which will ultimately affect the progress of everyone involved. This stage is the foundation for all future actions of a team whether they are good or bad begins at this stage.
The second stage in forming a team occurs when its members determine who their leader will be and can lead to conflicts that must be overcome. Once these conflicts are resolved, then relationships and camaraderie begin to develop which leads directly to the third stage of team formation. The third stage of team formation is called the norming stage. It is at this stage of team formation that an emphasis is placed on cooperation and getting along with one another. This is especially important when disagreements occur,which they will; and anytime an open discussion becomes necessary.
The final stage in forming a team is called the performance stage. It is at the point in the formation process that interpersonal relationships are balanced so the team as a whole benefit and positive events begin to occur due to the cooperative efforts to overcome problems as they