Eugen Sandow: The Father Of Modern Bodybuilding

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By the end of the nineteenth century the phenomenon of "strongmen" was well known. One of these strongmen was Eugen Sandow. He distinguished himself from his colleagues because of his striking physicality with a much lower fat percentage and better proportions than the other strong men. Sandow caused a huge boost in weight sales and was also the organizer of the first bodybuilding games where physical appearance was of crucial importance. He is nowadays called ‘The Father of Modern Bodybuilding’.
Bodybuilding is a sport and a lifestyle in which you want to develop the body musculature by progressive resistance exercise, nutrition and rest to improve the appearance of their body. This physical improvement consists of the increase
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Hence, we can set goals for improvement and better predict the future capabilities. pre-test assessment
1. benchpress 1RM test Purpose: Evaluates upper body strength Procedure: lay on a bench with both feet on the floor. Keep your butt and head on the bench. Unrack the bar with straight arms. Lower it to the mid- chest. Press it back up. determine maximum weight able to be pressed.

2. Isometric Back Strength Test Purpose: Evaluates back strength Procedure: lay face down on a bench, with the upper body from the waist hanging over the end of the bench. The feet must be held, and the arms can be hold together by the athlete. When ready, bring the body up to the horizontal position and hold this for as long as possible

3. Leg press 1RM Purpose: Evaluates lower body strength Procedure: bent the knees over the right angle. Position the feet at shoulder width apart. Try to push through the heels. Extend the legs until nearly straight and lower the weight slowly back towards the starting position. determine maximum weight able to be
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One of them is the principle of adaptation, which refers to the process of the body getting used to a certain exercise after repeated exposure. The body will adapt to the stress of the new exercise, thus the exercise becomes easier to perform. So there is a need to constantly vary the exercise and training program if you want to maximize the results.
The other principle we should consider is the principle of overload. Skeletal muscles grow bigger and stronger in response to the training stimulus. When muscles are being forced to overcome a resistance that they did not experienced before, they will adapt and grow according to the training load. So if you don't progressively overload your muscles (making greater demands on it) they will not make any further adaptations and thus there will be no further gains.
Last but not least, the Principle of Specificity is based on the body responding to specific exercises of the training program. The muscles groups targeted in the exercises will undergo

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