Pressure In College

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Today college is known as the gateway to becoming a successful adult. It is without a doubt very challenging, which brings us students’ immense pressure. It is not an easy experience for even some of the most intelligent people. This has been recognized in history with people such as Albert Einstein, who in 1885, failed his first entrance exam in college. Why did one of the most respected physicians in history not prosper in college? Clearly Einstein had the intelligence. However, there are so many other factors to success in college. Many people would argue that the other biggest factor is the pressure that accompanies it. Among the different types, economic and parental pressure has been found to have the most significant impact. Everyone wants to be successful and to live a well-balanced life, and today college is looked at as an obligation for a good job; and this brings on a burden of economic pressure. Students face some of the hardest times of their lives in college, from deciding from a major that is more likely to pay well, or a major that is more suited for them to do what they want. They begin to weigh out their …show more content…
Some even grow up without parents, and have to nurture their selves. College students having to deal with this would argue that they feel a stronger sense of self-induced pressure then parental pressure. Since there is no parental figure it’s obvious the only person that can apply pressure is themselves. Although some students not really having a parental figure that really factors or expect much out of them, it can drive them to be successful, since their parents were not as fortunate. Which of course, this brings on, as I argued, parental pressure. It all revolves around a fear of not letting their parents down and to show and prove to their parents that they can be successful. It can bring on the want and accomplishment of becoming more than the parental figure that they never

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