Students may act up in school but there are many reasons for that. Some students may be going through stuff at home. It may not seem like it is not doing anything to them but it really is affecting them. Even though parents may not realize this but divorce does impact children and has a long term effect that can affect them for life, because it has a big impact because divorce can cause stress and anxiety, cause bad relationships with parents, and it causes poor performance and behavior in school.
Divorce has a very big impact on children and it has a long term effect on them. Divorce causes a bad relationship with parents. A reason for this is, is because they will not know which parent to stay with. Researchers have said that one of the biggest problems that divorce imposes on children is the decision of whom they live with (“”). The analysis of this research is that this shows that they will get stressed and it has a long term effect on them. In summary, it causes them to have bad relationships with their parents, friends, teachers and whomever else they tend to have a relationship with. Another reason why divorce causes bad relationships with parents is that they will argue with their parents. Researchers say, “Now the adolescent can act aggressively to take control of his/her life by behaving even more distantly and defiantly, more determined to live his/her life his way. The adolescent may try to get back at his parents. Where the child felt grief, the adolescence has a grievance (”. The analysis of this quote us that children often react in an aggressive manner because they feel increasingly autonomous in a family situation that feels disconnected. They now feel impelled and entitled to act on their own. In summary, they will use the excuse or choose to act out because of the divorce situation. Lastly, after a divorce children tend to run away especially after something tragic like this happens because they don 't know what to do. Researchers have said, “In fact, most kids run away due to problems with their families. Some kids run away because of one terrible argument , other reasons kids run away include : parents separating or divorcing or the arrival of a new stepparent (”. This quote tells people that kids don 't like the separation of parents and which this makes want to run away. In summary, kids don 't know how to feel or what to do after the separation of their parents. Divorce also causes stress and anxiety which makes them feel lonely and depressed. Researchers have said, “While many children grow up leading healthy and productive lives after a divorce occurs, they are at greater risk for emotional and physical problems. Some children are more emotionally affected by divorce than others (“What are possible consequences of divorce for children”). This quote shows that some children suffer more than others while the parents are divorced because it leads up to stress and anxiety. In summary, kids tend to be sad when they other parent leaves the home. Divorce can also be a cause of mentality changes. Researchers have said is can cause insecurity, low self-esteem, a lack of belonging, feeling lost, guilt and shame and feelings of hopelessness ( They might not …show more content…
Divorce causes stress and anxiety because they feel sad and lonely, makes them want to consume alcohol and drugs, and causes mentality changes. Divorce causes bad relationships with parents because they will continue to argue all the time, fight with their parents often and run away. Lastly, divorce cause poor performance and behavior in school because they will always be in trouble, have bad grades and not be able to concentrate and will not know which parent to stay with. Divorce can also be a good thing though because children are resilient and get over things quicker because of this they will not care about home situations, divorce is a better solution and they are able to adapt more. In reality of all this, divorce is not a good thing for children to experience or go