Dr. Kelly McMichael
15 October 2017
How did economic conditions in the years after the Revolution lead to calls for fundamental political change?
The economic conditions after the Revolution called for many fundamental political changes. The new nation had many obstacles to overcome, the first hurdle was protecting the rights of individuals and also protecting the freedoms fought vigorously for. Another change after the Revolutionary War, was the founding of the separate party system. Of course, the one change that interested myself was women and slaves acquired more freedoms and a small voice.
One of the notable by-products of the Revolutionary War was the writing of the new Constitution of the United States. The Articles of Confederation had many weaknesses that affected the function of the nation and government. Some of these weaknesses were Congress could pass laws, but had zero power to enforce them. Another problem of the Articles of Confederation, it did not establish a federal court …show more content…
Although the picture is still continuing to change, the idea that All of those for and All of those against is still the basic foundation. The Federalists were the supporters of a strong, federal government, where the government had the power. The Anti-federalist were the supporters of strong state power, where the states had more power. With this in mind, the framers combined both parties wants and need to create the Constitution. The Anti-federalist made sure not one division of the government had too much power. One of the Anti-federalist biggest achievements were the first ten amendments of the Constitution, otherwise known as The Bill of Rights. Crazy to find out the separate parties started out as one. “Originally a coalition of like-minded men, the party became publicly well defined only in 1795” (“Federalist Party - Facts & Summary - HISTORY. com”