Many drug addict have disease from the use of drugs. Certain drug are use with a needle that is inject into the body. Drug addicts will use the same needle, a person can have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV will eventually lead to AIDS there is no cure, many people died from this disease. When people are under the influence he or she will have under protect sex and contact a sexual transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, or syphilis. If the drug is smoke, the person can develop cancer or asthma over the time of smoking the drug. People that uses drug usually die or have a disease for the rest of his or her life. Drug are against the law in America. People that use drugs usually end up in jail or receive ticket. Some people are order to go to rehab for his or her drug problem. When drug addict he or she will steal and maybe end up in jail. A person might become enrage and start to fight, or destroy property. He or she might trespass on some else land because he or she does not have a place to live. These person is seen a criminal in …show more content…
A drug addict does not care about his or her family. He or she will never have money in his or her pocket. Sometimes a person stop, however he or she becomes ill with an incurable disease. He or she might spent the rest of his or her life in jail because of what he or she did while under the influence of drugs. A child will never know what a childhood feel, because he or she had to grow up fast. Drug addict need to see the whole picture but he or she never will because the only thing he or she is chasing after the next high (mean the feeling what person feels under the