America in 1846 was a land becoming increasingly populated, at a rapid rate. The cities were becoming densely populated, with little job opportunities. With the nation expanding westward, it opened up more space for settlers to inhabit and start a new life. A few of these opportunity seekers, James Reed, and George and Jacob Donner, took advantage of this bright opportunity and decided to make the journey west. James Reed was a wealthy businessman who lived in Springfield, Illinois. He made the decision to leave Illinois, and travel halfway across the country because he believed it would provide a better life for him and his family, and help heal his wife’s health issues. Mr. Reed had also just …show more content…
The tragedy of the Donner party is significant to American history because it is a good example of what Americans throughout history have done for a better life. Time and time again we read about crazy things people have done to provide a better life for their family. Come to think about it, that’s basically America’s motto. “A place for a better life”. People come to America for a better life and because of the opportunities offered in America. The Donner party’s experience was treacherous, but the idea of making it to California is what pushed them through the tough parts, and made it all worth it in the end. The Donner party’s failure would not have been made possible without the primitive technology in transportation. Their covered wagons caused problems all throughout their journey. Their story makes me extremely grateful for our modern planes, trains and automobiles (☺) that make traveling across the country a piece of cake. Their journey took at last 8 months, and the same trip by plane would take around 4 hours. Their lack of sufficient roads also proved to be a real issue. Especially when they were in the Wasatch Mountains, where they literally had to pave their own