Domestic Violence Theory Of Empowerment

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Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence (IPV), is defined as mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse by someone who is in a personal relationship with the abuser. The effects of this abuse can be both direct, causing death, rape or injury; and indirect causing psychological and sociological harm (Stover, & Lent, 2014). Stover and Lent (2014) further explained that while 36 % of women and 28 % of men have experienced either physical or sexual abuse by an intimate partner, many domestic violence services are primarily focused on women and children (Stover & Lent, 2014). Both types of abuse have lasting generational effects when witnessed or experienced by children in the household. Domestic violence research has overcome many obstacles and challenges over the years. Once perceived as a private matter kept within the confines of the family unit, domestic violence has become universally studied by both sociologists and psychologists’ alike (Morgan & Coombes, 2013). Many rural advocacy institutions provide shelter services, crisis hotlines, counseling, batterer interventions, legal services, and social services; many of which have been minimally evaluated for efficacy (Bennett et al., 2004). Domestic Violence Advocate The domestic violence advocate is a person who counsels, intervenes, encourages, and supports victims of interpersonal violence. Johnson (2014) describes the rural advocate as those who work to protect the interests of the victim, helps provide transportation, legal information, shelter services, and aids in obtaining legal protections against the abuser (Johnsons et al., 2014). Many advocates have experienced abuse themselves and are able to empathize with the victim and her individual situation. In this way the advocate builds relationships not only the victims of domestic violence but with all level of professionals within the community as well as the residents. According to Johnson (2014), it is in the best interest that the advocate build professional working relationships with local law enforcement, attorneys, judges, magistrates, and medical professionals in order to direct the victim to all available resources. The advocate’s role within the rural setting is multi-functional and varies based on the individual needs and services required by the victim. The advocate must be prepared to deal with the victims’ unwillingness to proceed with the legal process, shelter services, or even medical attention due to the shame that could occur due to the interconnectedness of the rural setting( Johnson et al.,2014). Often victims are angry, sad, and confused and the advocate must help the victim work through those emotions in a positive way without becoming entangled in those same emotions and stress. Johnson and colleagues (2014) revealed that while extensive research has been conducted evaluating the effects of domestic violence on the family, interpersonal boundaries that guide advocate-client relationships, and the need for national training standards of domestic violence advocacy institution personnel; little research has been conducted on the rural advocate’s multi-functional role within the rural ecological system and the efficacy of their intervention and prevention strategies (Johnson et al., 2014). In researching rural advocacy institutions Johnson and colleagues (2014) found that institutions that are established in rural settings seemingly overextend themselves considering the geographical area that they provide services to (Johnson et al., 2014). It is the advocate who must be willing to overreach and overextend at times to bring peace and hope to victims
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Empowerment is a way for advocates to help victims understand and overcome the violence by identifying the signs of abuse, developing positive relationships, and rebuilding self-esteem. An advocate can have a positive or negative effect on a victim, so an advocate must be able to identify the victim’s needs and provide the necessary guidance for her. Empowerment effects both the advocate, the victim, and the entire community at large. The minimal research that has been conducted in testing the efficacy of the empowerment model have been focused on urban settings. More research is needed in order to quantify the efficacy of the empowerment model in the rural setting. Many themes have been used within domestic violence institutions in order to gain a better perspective in aiding victims. Empowerment has become the most acceptable method used in rural and urban institutions, allowing the advocate to understand the victim’s perspective and to validate the myriad of emotions the victim has experienced (Morgan & Coombes

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