In this manner, a “cruel hand” has been placed upon them because of the numerous restrictions and limitations placed on their humanity. One of the key confinements placed on criminals and clear parallels between Jim Crow and mass incarceration is legalized discrimination. Many of the practices of discrimination that reduced African Americans to second class citizens during Jim Crow continue to apply to this day to significant portions of the black community, provided they have been labelled a felon. Jim Crow discriminated against black people through voting, housing, public assistance, education, as well as employment. “The New Jim Crow,” in the same light, denies voting and employment rights to felons, after simple charges such as minor drug offenses, which Alexander noted was heavily enforced within minority
In this manner, a “cruel hand” has been placed upon them because of the numerous restrictions and limitations placed on their humanity. One of the key confinements placed on criminals and clear parallels between Jim Crow and mass incarceration is legalized discrimination. Many of the practices of discrimination that reduced African Americans to second class citizens during Jim Crow continue to apply to this day to significant portions of the black community, provided they have been labelled a felon. Jim Crow discriminated against black people through voting, housing, public assistance, education, as well as employment. “The New Jim Crow,” in the same light, denies voting and employment rights to felons, after simple charges such as minor drug offenses, which Alexander noted was heavily enforced within minority