Advantages And Disadvantages Of Syrian Refugees

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Due to fear invoked by terrorist groups like ISIS in the Middle East, especially Syria, many natives have been forced to leave their home country to find refuge in other countries, like the United States. America now faces the important decision of whether to allow or deny several thousand Syrian refugees into the country. In making this decision, the government must consider the few issues that stand out the most. The Republicans prominently voice their uneasiness over the national security risk of allowing refugees in. Concerned that people who are often terrorists are either from the Middle East or fit the Middle Eastern stereotype, people feel that it seems dangerous to allow a possible threat into America. The Republicans urge a pause or stop of the system until stronger screening processes can be made in order to ensure the safety of the American people. In contrast, the Democrats, led by President Barack Obama, push to pass a bill that will allow 10,000 refugees into the United States (Burke). They maintain that the refugees will be admitted only after going through the already rigorous screening and admission process, and therefore the safety of Americans will not be jeopardized. Democrats also conclude that a pause to the system would be detrimental to American society in the long run. Moreover, with the added pressure of the upcoming 2016 Presidential election, the decision becomes even more of a pressing issue. With the upcoming Presidential election in 2016, the two major parties, Republican and Democrat, are under pressure to develop a solution to the Syrian refugee crisis. This said, many of the presidential candidates have voiced their opinions on the issue. Ted Cruz, a Republican presidential candidate, asserted his opinion, saying, “What President Obama is proposing to do, bring tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims to America, is nothing short of crazy”(Burke). Another Republican presidential Candidate, Ben Carson, summarized Obama’s plan to let the Syrian refugees in two words: a “huge mistake” (Reilly). The GOP candidates make their stance clear, believing that one of the biggest problems with granting the refugees acceptance is fear-- fear for the safety of the American people. The biggest consideration in these discussions is whether the current refugee screening processes is good enough to to bar possible terrorist threats. After the announcement made by Secretary Karry’s about the Obama administrations plan to allow in 10,000 refugees in over the 2016 year, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley made a joint statement saying "ISIS and other terrorist groups have made it abundantly clear that they will use the refugee crisis to try to enter the United States” (Jasper). with this in mind Republicans stand strong on the proposal to pause or stop the program until more advanced vetting process can be devised. The Republicans, along with many Americans,fear the possible threats coming from the Middle East region because of their current ISIS issue. In a Bloomberg news poll mentioned in a Washington post article a sum fifty-three percent of the American population thinks the program should be stopped (Cillizza). Whereas the Republicans have been quick to point out the flaws and disadvantages of letting the refugees into the U.S.; Democrats take a …show more content…
However along with the possible disadvantages there are numerous advantages to letting the Syrian refugees. Not only is our country founded on imigrants and refugees, german, chinese, pilgrims, etc., all who were looking or the safety and freedom that america offers. With such a diverse demographic the american population has seen the good that can come with refugee acceptance, like economic diversification, etc. Politically, a major advantage to allowing them in would be the new voters that the party who have advocated for their acceptance, the Democrats, would likely receive. As the decision to allow or deny the Syrian refugees, who are attempting to escape a life of terror that is current throughout their homeland because of terrorist group ISIS, is a tough decision and not to be made out of a whim; both sides, Republicans and Democrats, have decided possible outcomes, both negative and positive, to allowing the refugees into the United States of

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