“Civil Liberties” specifically means the rights that are endowed by the Bill of rights, constitution, and any following cases or legislation. “Civil Rights” on the other hand is meant to make sure that fair, and equal treatment exists against separating factors like race, gender, sexual preferences, interalia. These are similar in the respect that they have both come to being to maintain rights against unfair treatment. In the case of civil liberties, they were made more so for the protection against government which may become tyrannical. Civil Rights on the other hand are meant to protect against discrimination against a specific group or designation of people, …show more content…
2 In the case of Schenck v.s. U.S., we see that the civil liberty that should have been protected was the first amendment. In the case of Korematsu v.s. United States, we see a civil rights case, but this case should have been covered by a civil liberty, the 14th amendment. As a result, I believe it’s only fair to say that civil liberties take precedence over civil rights in terms of importance. Civil rights issues may have more gravitas when it comes to societal conflict between different groups of people and their endowed rights, but i believe it is specifically through civil liberties which civil rights can be protected. In other words, not all civil liberties are related to civil rights, but all civil rights are related to civil liberties. Hence, Civil Liberties are more important to everyday life than Civil Rights.
3 Works Cited "Civil Liberties and Civil Rights." Ushistory.org. 3 Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web.
4 "Civil Rights vs. 3 Civil Liberties." Findlaw. 5 N.p., n.d. Web.
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