The students have all week to practice reading this book and perfecting the words that they don’t know. Then, the students are retested on Friday over the same book. This helps to show if the students are actually taking time during the week to practice reading their book. It also shows the student’s improvement. Throughout this paper, I am going to discuss the Vygotskian Social Development Theory, Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, and Temperament. Each of these theories will be tied to three concepts affiliated with that theory. Instead of using the students’ real names, I will refer to them as Student R, Student H, Student C, and Student T. Student R will be discussed during Vygotskian’s Social Development Theory, Student H and Student C will be discussed during Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, and Student T will be discussed during Temperament. These theories have given me the opportunity to relate student experiences to theories while I am in the …show more content…
Adaptation is an adjustment to the environment. The first week that I started my field experience at Crim, there was a student who was new two weeks before I started my field experience. Student C was very shy when I first met him and he didn’t say much to anyone. After about two weeks, he acted like a different kid. He was constantly raising his hand when he had an answer or when he had a question. Student C’s confidence had increased. I think he was shy at first because there were so many new faces to him and at the time he didn’t have any friends. The more he started opening up and talking more, his classmates were starting to interact more than they were before. I think this made him realize that his classmates and teachers are actually very friendly and are willing to help him with this adjustment as much as possible. Being new to a school after the school year has already started can be a big struggle for some students, but after time goes on, they generally start adapting to their new