They are for example housed in single cells. They are isolated from everything else, most of the time of the day. Not only are they alone in the four wall trap, but also get to enjoy some recreation time. Each state however, has their own restrictions and special privileges. Texas’ death row conditions go as follows: no television, no contact visit, no education training, no occupational training, no group recreation, and he or she has to be in their cell for 23 hours, each day. Some states even have specific rules, for example, Pennsylvania may even allow radio, and an increase in visitation. But in some states, death row inmates are restricted to be by themselves, and only be in the death row housing unit for specific jobs. They are always on restraints when moving from place to place. “Directives require death row housing areas to be well-ventilated, adequately lighted, appropriately heated, and sanitary. Cells are normally equipped with a bed and furnished consistent with general population cells” (Reinhart). They are also more heavily, supervised and inspected than regular inmates. For example, the guards usually check in every fifteen minutes. For property, there is a specific short list that they are allowed to have. Further to recreation time, they also are given special …show more content…
In Texas alone, housing a death inmate costs tax payers 2.3 million each year, which is “about three times the cost of imprisoning someone in a single cell at the highest security level for 40 years” (Hoppe). This is just a study made in 1992, which only means, 23 years, it may cost a whole lot more. According to the information provided but the Death Penalty information center, the average cost to house an inmate is $47.50 per day. “Thus it would cost about $17,340 to house an inmate for a year and $693,500 for 40 years, far less than even part of the death penalty costs” (Carver). Gray County, located in Pampa, Texas, itself spent just one million on one inmate. The appeals absorb so much money, that the one million spent, did not even include that money spent. The numbers just keep rising, and many believe the it just much simpler and cheaper to sentence a prisoner to life. This being said, this special population attracts too much attention. It is due to the expenses, but also because people believe, the sentence goes against moral