Adultery In The Scarlet Letter And Chicago

Superior Essays
In the novel The Scarlet Letter and the play Chicago, there are many things throughout them that are similar, yet there are also many other things that make the two different. Some of the things that make the two alike is that both authors wrote about adultery, the authors are trying to show the readers that there are consequences to your actions, and that some of the characters share some of the same characteristics. Some of the things that make the two stories unique would be the setting, the time period that each takes place in, and the development of the characters. The author of The Scarlet Letter and Chicago both write about strong female leads that commit adultery against their spouses. The females are considered to be anti-hero because …show more content…
Billy Flynn knows when to tell the truth or when to lie, and he has lied about all of his cases, which is why he has never lost one. He is able to manipulate the people in the trial to get them to think that Roxie is innocent. Billy Pearl is a dynamic character because she was able to figure out who her father was without anyone having to tell her, and she also figured out many other things like how Roger was the “Black Man”. Throughout The Scarlet Letter, she is a very smart girl for her age, she is a living symbol for Hester’s mistakes, and she is constantly reminding her mother not to do something she may regret in the future.
In The Scarlet Letter, Hester cheated on her husband Roger because she was miserable, she was all alone for almost two years, and she had fallen in love with another man. Whereas in Chicago, Roxie cheated because she felt that her husband Amos was never there, and if she were to be with Fred she would be able to achieve something out of the
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A person tells her that she is able to take off her letter because she hasn’t committed adultery after the first time, and even though she hasn’t had a relationship with another man, she still has thought about her relationship with Arthur, and how she really feels about him. Her external conflict is that she is pregnant with a child that doesn’t belong to her husband. The climax is when Arthur gave his last sermon, then Hester finds out that the man she had an affair with killed himself because he felt that he didn’t deserve to live after all of the sins that he has done. Throughout the time that he was keeping his affair a secret, he was punishing himself for what he did, and he carved the letter a into his chest to show that he also committed adultery. In Chicago, Roxie has to fight to become famous, after she had killed Fred, she had finally begun to become recognized by many people. After her trial everyone just forgot about her, and she attempted to find a job performing, but no one really seemed to show interest in her acts. Her external conflict is she cheated, and killed the man that she was having an affair with. The climax is the trial, Roxie must fight to get the jurors to believe that she is innocent when in all honesty she is not. Roxie’s lawyer Billy finds Roxie’s diary and he writes things in it with someone else’s

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