A school budget is the breakdown of a school’s financial plan. A school districts budget will have several different components. A school’s budget will reflect all expenditures, which is money spent on a particular thing. Big expenditures in a school budget would be salaries for personnel, students, and instruction. When discussing School budgets, one of the most frequently asked questions is where does the money come from? “According to the National Center for Education Statistics, state and local funding accounts for approximately 93 percent of education expenditures.” (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wherewestand/reports/finance/how-do-we-fund-our-schools). The next most frequently asked question for people who have no prior knowledge …show more content…
Out of the 632 students, 419 are economically disadvantaged and receive free or reduced lunch benefits. This is over 65% of our school district. 21 students are ELL, with an additional 74 students who receive special education services. The grade level breakdown for the primary campus is 1 student in our early childhood education program, 27 students in pre-k, 48 in Kindergarten, 34 1st grade, 55 2nd grade, 40 3rd grade. Our grade level breakdown for the elementary is 51 students 4th grade, 50 5th grade, and 42 6th grade. Middle school consist of our 7th and 8th grades, which contains 40 and 33 students respectively. In High School we have 57 freshmen, 46 sophomores, 52 juniors, and 57 …show more content…
This showed some balance in this area of our budget. Expenditures for Teacher Salary was “$4,702,000 and the expenditures for instruction was $ 4,018,000”. (http://www.teachersalaryinfo.com/texas/teacher-salary-in-rosebud-lott-independent-school-district/). I was also able to find where the district spent $709,000 on teacher benefits as well. The average salaries for teachers in our district was $40,924. The range of salaries for teachers is “33, to 59 thousand dollars”. (http://www.rlisd.org/apps/pages/).These figures exclude stipends. There are a few teachers who have been there for 20 plus years who also split duties coaching duties, their salaries are above 59 thousand. Besides the teachers, we also have the other laborers in our district such as the cafeteria workers, grounds keepers, custodial crew, maintenance crew and bus drivers. I had to conduct several interviews with people to get a good estimate on what the district is paying out for these critical members of our staff. For our cafeteria workers they are making about $800 to $1,000 a month. There are three full time at the primary and elementary campus and four full time at the high school and middle school campuses. This is about $100,000 dollars a year, with the manager at the high school making around 40,000. I was able to get limited information on our custodial and