Lugar maravilloso-Wonderful place. Dominican republic culture brings great intersest to expecially because I’ve never been there. My grandfather was born in Dominican a was raised in New York by his granparents. I was raised speaking fluent Spanish and eating a lot of Spanish food. I moved from a private school to a public school,and over time I lost the ability to speak Spanish.…
Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family. I don’t know about you, but I love Thanksgiving for the simple reason that…
Introduction LeJuan James is a Puerto Rican and Dominican comedian who post his videos on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media site making fun of Hispanics parents. His videos are about growing up with Hispanic parent and he nails it all the time regardless if he is making fun of his Dominican mother or his Puerto Rican father. The only different between both cultures is the accent because the scenarios are all the same. Did you know that LeJuan James got his stage name from Lebron James? Did you know LeJuan James lives hear in Orlando, FL and just recently both his parents a house in Kissimmee, FL?…
The first person I asked was Dezmyn Abbring, a student at Kankakee Valley, about how he would usually spend his Thanksgiving. Some things he said that were unique were that he goe down to Tennessee to visit relatives. Another would be that he usually watches sports while he eats Thanksgiving dinner with his family. When the Pilgrims and the Indians had their Thanksgiving, they didn’t…
In the year of 1496 Spaniards set up the first Spanish colony in Western hemisphere in Santo Domingo, which subsequently serves as capital of all Spanish colonies in America. The Dominican Republic lies on the eastern half of the island of Hispaniola, which was discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus on his voyage to the new world. He claimed the island for Spain and was the first permanent settlement in the New World. Hispaniola was the starting point for more Spanish exploration in the New World.…
Good morning Laurie, My boyfriend didn’t go. He had last minute family plans. I went with my family but only stayed for an hour because of my shoes, they were too pointy, and I could not go to the gym part of the building where all the entrainment were. So it was no fun. Holy cow!…
Thanksgiving, a holiday deeply rooted in American culture, is celebrated in accordance with the applicable tradition and rituals. Closely related to the tradition of first immigrants, Thanksgiving does not undergo any fashions and fluctuations. Thanksgiving Turkey has to be big ( 19 lbs) to feed 20 people and to provide much more food than during the regular meal (Friends). Thanksgiving dinner without turkey and typical dishes does not exist, like “4th July with no pie”(Friends). By consuming and celebrating food, people show their appreciation for all they achieved due to their social and national affiliation.…
Me and three of my friends surveyed each other and we talk to each other about are Thanksgiving traditions and what we do with our families and friends. We compared it with the traditions the early americans did and what we found was totally different from what happens now. One thing that was different they do not watch football, ride golf carts, go karts or anything like that. One thing that was similar was we spent time with our families and friends and something they did that we did not do was eat dinner with the Indians. Something else that was also similar was we have turkey,ham, stuffing, and pie and other foods too they also had cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie they also had vegetables like beans, lettuce, spinach,…
Hello, this is my project on the country of the Dominican Republic. During December, they celebrate Christmas, like we do, but Christmas doesn’t end until January 6th, with the arrival of the three kings. A tradition in the Republic, is an Aguinaldos; an informal party at home. The people at the party sing traditional Christmas songs and eat Christmas foods, such as Puerco asado.…
The time when the whole family comes to our house and we all meet, all waiting to eat that delicious turkey and demonstrate appreciation and gratification for the year: these are what we like to do in our Thanksgiving. This day is special to say how much we are grateful ;nonetheless, we always beholden all we have and feel blessed. Although this day is special and variance of others days or has no similarity of other years we always need remained a the blessings. The movie “An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving” explains how people pass their Thanksgiving in the past compared with the modern Thanksgiving. A primary dissimilarity is the way they obtain the turkey for the Thanksgiving feast. In the 1800’s they have killed the turkey from their…
I believe that our Thanksgiving menu is different because we have more access to different foods. In 1621, they didn't have the same access that we do now because technology has grown. People are evolving and so is our technology. We now have more resources to cook our foods with. Although we are celebrating the same thing, we do not have to copy the…
Haiti and the Dominican Republic Haiti and the Dominican Republic: two isolated countries divided by a border on one small island. The border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic breeds hatred, discrimination and racism stemming from a long, blood-filled history. Geographically close to one another, the countries remain psychologically separate, distinguished by an intangible boundary edified by the Dominican dictator Trujillo. Trujillo’s proclamations of antihaitismo and Dominican nationalism have lead to the current state of Haitian deportation and anti-Haitian sentiments.…
Travel Industry Expects Record Number of Travelers on Thanksgiving 2016 If you are planning to travel this Thanksgiving, you definitely won't be alone. In fact, experts are saying that this holiday will have more travelers than the Thanksgivings of the past nine years. In fact, AAA forecasts that 48.7 million Americans will be traveling this Thanksgiving. Not surprisingly, Thanksgiving tends to be one of the most traveled holidays out there.…
Impending Doom: Embrace or Escape? Both Thanksgiving by Jon Loomis and Shine, Perishing Republic by Robinson Jeffers forecast impending doom. In Thanksgiving the imminent doom for the Wampanoag Native American group is the invasion of their land by the Puritan English settlers. While in Shine, Perishing Republic, America is destined to collapse on its corrupt and overly empire-like foundation. Both of these poems engage with the topic of impending doom, through detailing the subject’s level of ignorance, offering disaster combating advice and providing a description of what is being done as the storm of doom is brewing.…
When you think of sharing a meal together with others on Thanksgiving day, what do you think of? Do you celebrate any family traditions, or eat special food for the holidays? Are you with family, or friends, or both? Thanksgiving is different for everyone in many ways. The short story, “Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen”, and the poem, “Thanksgiving”, demonstrate two different ways of celebrating Thanksgiving with many similarities and differences.…