Comparative Essay: Difference Between Murder And Manslaughter

Improved Essays
Difference of a murder and manslaughter
- Murder is a killing of a human being supported by a criminal intent of malice or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to life.
- Manslaughter is a killing supported by malice negated by a heat of passion, reckless or negligent criminal intent.
In this case, Joe has intentionally murdered another person In Oregon the law is divided depending on the categories of the stated of mind of the crime. Joe can be charged with manslaughter reckless, negligent, or elevated to aggravating depending the facts of Joe crime. Manslaughter first degree ORs 163.118
One of the definitions in this law is recklessly or with the criminal negligence, causing the death of a person while operating a motor vehicle under the influence within 10 years prior to current offense or prior assault conviction. Looking the definition of criminal negligence in the law 166.635 said;
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2) “Conduct” means act or omission and its accompanying mental state; Joe drive an F-350 pickup truck
3) “Criminal negligence” when used with respect to a result or to circumstance described by a statute defining an offense, means that a person fails to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the result will occur that the circumstance exists; Joe can be charged with criminal negligence for not stop as soon he got the hives and prevent the accident.
In my opinion, Joe, in this case, can be charged with involuntary manslaughter in de second degree, for the accident causing the killing of one person. But also they can see he does not have prior and maybe Joe is a good citizen and lower the

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