Within the thousands of colleges that are located in the United States, there are hundreds of majors varying within mathematics, English, language, science, business and more. A student might enter college with the hope of learning more about a certain career choice and …show more content…
Having the irresistible urge to travel the world is a rewarding ambition that can fulfill hopes and dreams of anyone who wants it bad enough. Most colleges have the option to study abroad in places located all over the world. Students today are so comforted with the space they have put themselves in, and do not feel that there is any room for expansion. College is the time to grow out of bad habits and learn to grow and change as a person. Creativity can spark within a person when influenced by people found outside of their comfort zone. Experiences that come about when traveling the world and meeting people of diverse cultures is an inspiring way to help one find his or her interests and change perspectives on a certain matter. Meeting new people is an excellent approach to the start of acquiring future internships, volunteer work and jobs. In order to gain a respectable job after graduating college, paid or unpaid, one must have experiences from different …show more content…
What a student was identified as in high school is not who they are in college. There are opportunities to change ways and become a better, goal-oriented person. College students are more capable of finding their independence and the proper time management skills. A student living on his or her own is when he or she realizes that the college is the time when the only one in control of their life and choices is his or her self.
Handling the school work, having a social life, and dealing with the straightforward, yet tough, task of waking up to the alarm clock in the morning in order to not miss class is time management skills that every student will soon learn as the years go by. Students gain characteristics of honesty, trust, and other aspects that are important when growing as an adult. Researching and writing papers is a major part of what college has to offer, and the only way to succeed is to make smart choices, be honest and trustworthy. The choices one makes in college effects responsibilities and achievements that could occur in the