College Pressures Zinsser Analysis

Improved Essays
Question 1 (442) College Pressures Zinsser’s narrative informs the four kinds of pressures students face in the 1970s: economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure and self-induced pressure. Zinsser’s four kinds of pressures described in the 1970s are the same pressures that troubled students face at this present time. In the inflation economy millenniums live in, it forces them to pay outrageous tuition, room and board. In the twenty-first century, it’s not unusual for students, even if students work part-time, to acquire loans after four years (439). After completing their desired degree they must repay the loan with interest, which causes a financial burden on top of the other pressures the students already face. Students …show more content…
They feel obligated to fulfill their parents’ simple expectations. They cause themselves to be reckless and disappoint both themselves and their parents. Peer pressure creates a sense of insecurity about them, students feel a lack of confidence when they see fellow classmates overexerting in assignments to impress the professors. Self-induced pressure creates a self-withdrawal from participation in classes and studies. Students develop skills to juggle their overwhelmed day to participate on a variety of teams. This in return develops more anxiety problems in return as students try to overindulge themselves to avoid college life. These activities create a sense of relief for a while until they have to get back to their studies. Millenniums shouldn’t feel pressure, but rather seek a chance to appreciate each lesson through their education span as an experience and not a glimpse of their preparation for the next step. It nice for students to have a mental outline of their education, but as Zinsser he provides the students that sometimes what you wish to become isn’t what you truly desire. Students ought to take chances now before it’s to late and they regret not doing so. Ultimately it’s the student’s heart to pick the path for their education and break the fears that are trapped

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