Looking back on the mistakes I have made throughout my life so far, the one I can honestly say I would like to redo is my mistake to not prioritize school freshman and sophomore year. I was a straight D student. I constantly ditched class and missed assignments. I did not commit to school and receiving good grades. Or even decent grades for that matter. It didn't occur to me that school or grades were important. I cared more about what people thought of me and being “cool”. I stayed out all night with them rather than doing homework or participating in school activities. I sprouted a friendship with kids who had no future. I was a kid with no future. I lived for the short lived happiness I received from that moment. I never planned for what the future might bring.
My junior year I transferred to Green Mountain High School. I absolutely hated it there; I instantly regretted my decision. I was alone. I had no friends. I felt like everyone just stared and judge me for being new. I sat quietly in the back of the room trying to hide. I came home every day from school missing my old school and the cozy feeling it brought me. I begged my …show more content…
I will admit it was overwhelming but worth it. That home feeling of Lakewood High School was back. I ditched the old future-less kids and began to work on my own future. I made a friendship with a girl from work. She lead a great example of the student I wanted to be and even pushed me to get homework done and earn perfect grades on tests. I met with my teachers constantly and made sure each day in class I gave my complete focus to the subject we were learning. I spent hours on homework every night. I realized the work was easy to keep up with if i put my mind to it and prioritized it. I finished my junior year with straight A`s. This was a huge accomplishment for me and I was ridiculously proud of myself, I was so happy to tell my parents this