A cochlear implant is something you can get implanted in your body, no earlier then 12 months after birth, this implant simulates the auditory nerves. Its different from a hearing aid, because it does not amplify sound .The noise will sound different , but you will still be able to hear more with an implant rather then without. While most people get the implant between the ages 2 and 6, adult can also get them. But with adults who have lost their hearing rather then being born deaf, they may have problems learning new sounds and associating them with the sounds they heard before the hearing loss began.(Henshaw,2012, Paragraph #3) Cochlear implants are said to be more likely to work when the person is younger rather then older. …show more content…
And I couldn’t imagine how horrible I would feel if I mad my son or daughter wait until they were 18 to get the implant and it didn’t work or it was to late. It would break my heart knowing that I made a decision not to get it for them and now their chance to hear is gone . And I feel like it would make them feel horrible too , like something was wrong with them , and I would hate making my child feel like that for a decision I made when he or she was a baby. And even though, I would get my child an implant as soon as I could they can also work at an older age. As a study showed. When they tested if cochlear implants were a good treatment for the older profoundly deaf. (Lachowska, Magdalena, et al. "Is cochlear implantation a good treatment method for profoundly deafened elderly?" Clinical Interventions in Aging 8 (2013): 1339+. Academic OneFile. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. ) Another reason I would get the cochlear implant is really just communication . I like talking to anyone and everyone about every single thing . I 'm just a talkative person. So I have no doubt that my child would be the same exact way and I don’t want there to be any barrier stopping them from doing that. I want them to be able to feel confident talking to whoever they wanted to and I want them to be able to have a conversation. I want them to be able to hear me tell them that I love them and hear the birds outside and the sound of the winds in the trees. And I know they 're just simple things but I know that if I were to go deaf today it would be the simple things I would miss. And I want my child to be able to experience it all, everything. I don’t want them to ever have to wonder what something sounds like , I want them to be able to know for themselves. I think that when you 're a parent you 'll want the best for your kids . And you have to make their decisions for them and what you think is best . They aren 't really old enough to make their own choices until they 're 18. Especially choices that will change there entire life. I think that it 's your job as a parent to decide what is going to be best for your child. And don’t think anyone else 's thought about it should matter. Its what you decide for your child that’s important. And I think having a cochlear implant is the best choice for my child and their future. After I got it I also wouldn’t let them have the cochlear implant taken out or