As Christians, we should stand up for truth and fairness and stand up for what is right no matter what it may be including the news. How can we do that? What can we do? We can write letters and make phone calls to media outlets and demand that they change what they are doing. If enough people stand up and become activists against biased news coverage than something can and will get done because it will become “Big News” and the more people that get involved the sooner the issue will get attention.
Do you think Christians should pay more attention, less attention or no attention to the news media? Christians should pay more attention to the news because people are believing things that are not true and it causes large problems like war that should have never happened. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. provided examples of this from the “October 2004 survey from PIPA and the Center for international and Security Studies at the University of Maryland” that found the following (Finsterbusch, 2013, p.12).
• “Seventy-two percent of Bush supporters believed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (or a major program for developing them), versus 26 percent of Kerry voters. A seven-month search by 1,500 investigators led by David Kay, working for the C.I.A., found no such …show more content…
soldiers that were killed from being shown by blocking Ted Koppel’s Nightline coverage. The idea that we went to war because President Bush said so for no reason only killed approximately “4,475 U.S. service members and 32,220 were wounded” and “as a result of battle injuries in the Iraq War, 991 service members received wounds that required amputations; 797 lost major limbs, such as a leg” (Fischer, 2013, p.4-12). Christians should pay attention to the news so we can prevent what happened in Iraq from happening again, and let it be known that as Christians and Americans we do have something to