Many motor problems can occur when the primary motor cortex is damaged. Random, inappropriate movements can occur when the primary motor cortex is not functioning properly. Chorea can occur from many causes, but can be a consequence of an overactive primary motor cortex. In a patient with Chorea, jerky movements occur that can not be controlled by the diseased. Parkinson’s disease is another disease that occurs when the primary motor cortex is affected. The changes in the basal ganglia thalamocortical networks that occur in Parkinson’s affect the primary motor cortex by giving it greater plasticity. This can lead to hand tremors, slowed movement, and a loss of being able to control voluntary movements. …show more content…
Many medicines taken for chorea symptoms block dopamine receptors or attempt to deplete dopamine. GABAergic drugs are also used as adjunctive therapy.
Much like Huntington’s Disease chorea, Parkinson’s disease can not be cured. Treatment for symptoms mostly consist of drugs that can pass the blood-brain barrier and then can convert into dopamine. Patients with Parkinson’s disease have low dopamine in the brain, but straight dopamine can not pass into the brain. Other treatments for Parkinson’s disease consist of drugs that help to stop the breakdown of dopamine in the