Researchers that were led by Karline Janmaat from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany found that most chimpanzees checked most trees along the way." But 13 % were approached in a goal – directed manner". "These targeted approaches were unlikely initiated by visual cues and occurred more often when females foraged alone and when trees were large as opposed to small". The result suggested that their monitoring was guided by long – term memory of the location of large potential food. Although some people may think that dogs or even dolphins are more intelligent than chimpanzees but however, chimpanzees are more intelligent than any other animal in the
Researchers that were led by Karline Janmaat from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany found that most chimpanzees checked most trees along the way." But 13 % were approached in a goal – directed manner". "These targeted approaches were unlikely initiated by visual cues and occurred more often when females foraged alone and when trees were large as opposed to small". The result suggested that their monitoring was guided by long – term memory of the location of large potential food. Although some people may think that dogs or even dolphins are more intelligent than chimpanzees but however, chimpanzees are more intelligent than any other animal in the