A recent …show more content…
The likely cause of this is less physical activity in school and the increased intake of sugary beverages. The body mass index is the formula which determine if a child is obese. If the body mass index is higher than 25 or above the 95th percentile than it is obesity. This formula is just an indicator of body fat in children and teenagers. The prevalence of obesity for the age group of 2-19 is at 17% and within the past decade 12.7 million children and teenagers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that the prevalence of obesity in 2011-2012 in the age group 2-5 was 8.4%. That same year 17.7% of 6-11-year-old were diagnosed as obese and 20.5% of 12-19 were obese. It was discovered that this epidemic was more prevalent in Hispanics and African Americans. Hispanics children and teenager’s obesity prevalence was 22.4% and African Americans came in second at 22.4% (CDC, …show more content…
The direct cost of childhood obesity amount for $14.1 billion dollars in emergency room visits, outpatient cost and prescription drug use; cost occur for inpatient services was $237.6 million. It is estimated that $147 billion is spent on obesity related illness in adults. Which has cause a 27% increase in health care spending during 1987-2001. An example given is if a patient has a disabling injury which leads to obesity and health care raised costs. Children that are obese will have delayed skill acquisition. Annually obesity related job absenteeism is $4.3 billion and is associated with lower productivity at work. Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurance programs are greatly impacted by obesity related illness. The non-obese consumer is impacted with higher premiums to pay for some of the cost. In 2008, Medicare occur $19.7 million in cost, Medicaid occur $8 billion in cost from the general population for the federal and state health insurance programs. The private health insurance paid $49 billion for obesity related illness (Cawley,