The attack on Hawaii destroyed the island of …show more content…
They were trying to be safe so they don’t kill children that can’t handle the polluted air.
The beaches were surrounded with barbed wire for years after.
The U.S. did not want people going and coming out of the beaches without checking in and out.
They did not want another attack to happen so they were being safe.
Nobody on Oahu could take pictures of the land.
They could not take pictures because they could be taking pictures of access points to the island.
They also did not want to see pictures of things that could be destroyed. Pearl Harbor destroyed the island of Oahu, demolished most of the U.s. Pacific Navy, and civilians had a hard life after the attack are three reasons why Pearl Harbor was one of the most destructive attacks on Hawaii. The attack turned the beaches into like ashtrays. The air was filled with smoke and chemicals. People did not have places to live or things to wear, eat, drink, etc. People had to live on the streets or more from Hawaii somewhere else. After all of this research that I have done I have personally think Pearl Harbor was one of the most destructive attacks in the U.S.
Nolan Miller
I-Search Outline
Nicholson 5th Hour
6 Mar …show more content…
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