During this reporting period the Roanoke U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO) has advised this office that Vaso’s appointment as a Special Assistant United States Attorney (SAUSA) would not be renewed. The basis of this decision was a perception that Vaso had not developed the skill set the USAO views as being required for a SAUSA. By her own admission, Vaso is more comfortable in State …show more content…
Vaso understands that her role as a prosecutor is to seek justice. Toward that end she is willing to make the tough but unpopular calls that a case requires. For example, in the Amir Magsi case, during witness preparation, Vaso uncovered evidence that indicated the defendant was out of the country during the time alleged in the indictment. To resolve this issue Vaso contacted the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and requested that they research the defendant’s foreign travel. ICE verified that the defendant’s passport showed that he was “abroad” during the relevant time