The reliability of machines is not always sufficient in the processing of information. As technology is the forefront of processing data, ethical complications manifest from the incorrect interpretation of testing involving diagnosis and health screening. As the results of the test are concluded, additional concerns develop such as the risk of disclosing personal information, the possibility of losing a job, inability to purchase health insurance or lawful prosection. Besides testing for diagnosis, screening for case findings stigmatize the individuals involved in the testing. Moreover, disparagement of a specific population is deceptive when screening case for discoveries …show more content…
The goals from the patient perspective of testing focuses on the contributing factor; will the results bring a quality of life or do more harm. The central core of the health care professional in the process of collecting data to arrive with a pertinent diagnosis related to the patient signs and symptoms, the results of the lab work and further diagnostic testing depending on the patient diagnosis. However, certain circumstances, over-testing are possibly the result of ruling out certain diagnosis or unnecessary testing that is not required. Over-testing may be due from incorrect or falsified interpreted information received from the patient in a health screening.
Accuracy of testing is a process that requires a continuous review to improve testing processes.
Inaccurate testing will possibly contribute to an increase in cost that will become a problem to the healthcare institution. Also test resulting in false positives or negatives hinder not only the institution but also involve grief for the patient. It is necessary that interpretations of tests are reviewed by qualified individuals knowledgeable in the field. There should also be a collective agreement of the findings within the health care team. In addition the risk of testing should be proportionately communicated to the patient including the benefits, dangers and outcomes from any procedure.
Therefore, informed consent is very …show more content…
Mary actions in falsifying the results of her friend’s test were unethical. As the case study discuss, Mary was aware that some of the test used to detect drug use was insufficient. However, the moral way for Mary to address this issue would be to either use another form of testing to validate the findings or to bring the faulty use of the equipment to Management attention.
Are there any cases for which Mary would be justified in telling her friend that he had tested positive and should push for a second and more accurate test?
Unfortunately, it is not Mary place to disclose the information of the test to her friend. If the friend did inquire about the results, she should advise him to contact the employer. Because of HIPPA regulations, the disclosing of information to any individual outside your scope of practice is unlawful. However, Mary possibly can indirectly provide the information without jeopardizing her position as an employee for the laboratory.
Is Mary ethical in working for a company that lets workers lose their jobs without sufficient