The Nearest country is Papua New Guinea, which is about 120 miles north of Australia. Australia is one of the driest continents on Earth, but because of its insular position and lack of high terrain features such as mountain ranges, generally there are no extreme climates. The climate of Australia varies because of the size of the continent, temperatures range from seventy to eighty degrees Fahrenheit in the interior of the continent. However, the southern region is more pleasant, but subject to variations such as high rainfall, great heat, irregular flooding, and drought. El Nino in the summers, Cold currents from Antarctica flow up mixing in warm currents from the pacific. Every three to eight years, equatorial current is perceptibly warmer off the coast of Peru; the results are strong winds that bring heavy rain to the Pacific; consequently reducing the rain bearing clouds that
The Nearest country is Papua New Guinea, which is about 120 miles north of Australia. Australia is one of the driest continents on Earth, but because of its insular position and lack of high terrain features such as mountain ranges, generally there are no extreme climates. The climate of Australia varies because of the size of the continent, temperatures range from seventy to eighty degrees Fahrenheit in the interior of the continent. However, the southern region is more pleasant, but subject to variations such as high rainfall, great heat, irregular flooding, and drought. El Nino in the summers, Cold currents from Antarctica flow up mixing in warm currents from the pacific. Every three to eight years, equatorial current is perceptibly warmer off the coast of Peru; the results are strong winds that bring heavy rain to the Pacific; consequently reducing the rain bearing clouds that