Case method is also referred to as total patient care (Yoder-Wise, 2014). This method usually involves one nurse responsible for the total care of one patient but sometimes can include care for two patients. Intensive career units are most commonly associated with this type of nursing care. Advantages of this include better holistic patient care and one-on-one time with the patient and family (Yoder-Wise, 2014). Disadvantages include cost, time consuming, and this type for care is usually complex (Yoder-Wise, 2014) .
Functional nursing involves both licensed and unlicensed professionals caring for a group of patients. This method is similar to the assembly line where each personal is assigned certain task to complete the flow of work. This can be very effective. Other advantages of this include; each person of the health care team becomes strong with their assigned skills and large numbers of patients can be taken care of by a group on professional …show more content…
Informal is an approach that can give immediate feedback to an employee (Yoder-Wise, 2014). An example of this could be praising for a good job done. A formal approach is more of a documented guideline for employee job satisfaction (Yoder-Wise, 2014). This approach uses evaluation tools to evaluate an employee’s job performance such as the management by objective (MBO) method. Anecdotal is a brief note added to an employee’s record that will be used over time to evaluate job performance satisfaction (Yoder-Wise, 2014). This could include notes such as task being performed as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Then if over time the employee did not improve further action would need to take place as either termination or