And Dr. Carey Neal Pabouet-Sigafoose probably wouldn't have it any other way.
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It's never easy being a ChiroKid. Try being the son of a Chiropractic legend. You put up with a lot of shit. You're given a lot of shit. Let's just say, there is a lot of shit.
From defending your parents, defending Chiropractic to defending yourself to your parents. A ChiroKid is a true warrior.
Carey Sigafoose is a Warrior
He'd have to be to grow up the son of this man.
After years of battles with his soul and his namesake, Carey Sigafoose is on a mission to serve Chiropractic and preserve his father's legacy.
Dr. Carey Sigafoose is …show more content…
All of them! They would say it's too soon, or it's this or that, and I would say 'You obviously didn't know my father'. He would say "DO IT." Some people told me I should give this all away, but by that line of thinking I should be able to go to DE for free because Sid is dead, I should be able to go to Parker for free because Jim Parker is dead and I should be able to go to school for free because DD and BJ are dead. You didn't know my dad. My dad would have sold me if he could make a buck off of me. I told them to go fuck themselves and move on.
What do you think of Parker Seminars now?
I love it that it is Vegas once a year because it is a fun place to go.
But now you have the ChiroSushi Summit in Vegas?
Oh yeah. Definitely. They (Parker) kicked my Dad out because of his philosophy. They stopped bringing him in as a speaker. They are, in my opinion, along the route of becoming more medical. I hate that people lump Chiropractic in with medicine. We are not medicine. Vitalistic care is not health care.
Tell us about your practice
I just did my first 'Dinner with Doc' instead I do 'Pizza and Beer' with Doc. It's more fun! It turned out great. I do all cash; I don't do insurance. I do $100 a month unlimited care. I'm happy with what I can offer my community. There are those who say I'm bastardizing the profession, but I don't think so at all. I'm helping more. I don't need much. You might need to charge $60 a visit, but I don't.
What do you think could get more people …show more content…
What's the truth to you?
Yes, we help with backaches, necks, and strains. That is a happy side effect of what we do. But at the end of the day, it's allowing what the body needs to do first, and that is to take care of itself without interference. Are we against medicine? No. My dad was taking drugs at the end to stay alive. Are we against surgery? No. My father had six stents put in his heart. But what we are saying is Chiropractic first, medicine second and surgery last. And if we said that, and that alone, then I think people would start getting the idea.
Carey Sigafoose is an Optimist
Are you concerned about how divided Chiropractic has become? From political to spiritual to even