It occurred because the CIA had to use certain methods to protect themselves. Other countries ridicule America for partaking in seemingly these horrendous acts. Though other countries claimed they would never do such things, if they were in the same situation as America, by having a direct threat to their country, they can't say that they wouldn't go to great lengths to keep their country safe. Even though there was internal conflict between the CIA and the senate, in the end Feinstein agreed that the CIA was just doing what was necessary to keep their country safe, but also got the assurance that such a travesty wouldn't occur again. Though many of the American people are not fully informed and following the situation closely, the majority still believe in the CIA and continue to support them and their actions. They can have that assurance because in the end, the CIA is just doing their job, keeping the country safe from current dangers and keeping them safe from any future threats that may appear. Even with all the differing opinions and attitudes, it is clear that all-in-all, even though the actions of the CIA didn't seem totally legal or were morally corrupt, they only had America’s best interest in mind and tried to protect the American people as best they could by trying to prevent future attacks from transpiring
It occurred because the CIA had to use certain methods to protect themselves. Other countries ridicule America for partaking in seemingly these horrendous acts. Though other countries claimed they would never do such things, if they were in the same situation as America, by having a direct threat to their country, they can't say that they wouldn't go to great lengths to keep their country safe. Even though there was internal conflict between the CIA and the senate, in the end Feinstein agreed that the CIA was just doing what was necessary to keep their country safe, but also got the assurance that such a travesty wouldn't occur again. Though many of the American people are not fully informed and following the situation closely, the majority still believe in the CIA and continue to support them and their actions. They can have that assurance because in the end, the CIA is just doing their job, keeping the country safe from current dangers and keeping them safe from any future threats that may appear. Even with all the differing opinions and attitudes, it is clear that all-in-all, even though the actions of the CIA didn't seem totally legal or were morally corrupt, they only had America’s best interest in mind and tried to protect the American people as best they could by trying to prevent future attacks from transpiring