What is the health belief of Voodoo?
1. Magicoreligious beliefs they focus on supernatural power (Illnesses are thought to have either natural or supernatural …show more content…
They only allow autopsies if they think that there is maleficence involved in the death. It is also allowed in order to make sure that the body is dead and not a zombie. They feel that zombies come from greed, harm and evil.
What are the beliefs when it comes to birth?
1. They believe that pregnancy is only determined by their god.
2. The babies are born at home with midwives. These midwives are not trained but rather they are born into the profession.
3. When a woman is pregnant their diet is restricted to not having any spicy foods, as this will irritate the baby, but they are encouraged to eat red vegetables and fruits due to the belief that they will help build the babies blood.
4. During labor the women may sit, squat, rub the belly and sit. They do not normally ask for pain medication. The men are not involved in child birth due to the fact that they believe that it is a woman’s job and they leave child birth to the female friends and family members.
5. After birth they keep the mother and child confined for a month because they feel that they are both vulnerable to illness. The babies will often wear beads or necklaces around their necks to ward off evil spirits. They also put a cloth around the babies’ abdomen because they believe that it helps build a strong