In both of them, their high school principals are highly influential in what they do for the good and helped raise them into who they later become. In Boy Meets World, family seems to be a really huge deal and is mentioned and showed in every episode, while in Saved By the Bell, friendship seems to be more of a vital concept and viewers rarely see any of their families or hear them mentioned. Both way, many great lessons were learned along the journey for both of these popular shows and viewers always enjoyed hearing Mr. Feeny’s and Mr. Belding’s words of …show more content…
Even though they are from different time periods, viewers were able to walk with both series’ through the teenage years. Many people have longed to have the kind of relationships that these characters have, whether it is for forever like on Boy Meets World, or just a high school fling like on Saved By the Bell. The lessons learned along the way from both shows can help us today. Boy Meets World favored the help of family and Saved By the Bell favored just their friends but in both, lessons that last a lifetime were learned. Both of these television series placed a little more fun, along with a little bit of mischief, into the lives of their