Furthermore, the hashtags that showcase moments of black excellence and prompt solidarity against racial injustice receive the greatest recognition and light. In considering the intentions and accomplishments of hashtags, it has been a matter of contention about whether or not hashtags can serve as a form of activism. For all of its convenience, social media hashtag activism (in general) has yet to fruitfully encourage the same respect and appreciation as that of demonstrative activism. However, in spite of the glaring dismissal of this unconventional form of activism is the existent evidence of social change and conversation sparked by hashtag activism. I indubitably agree that “Black Twitter” and the use of hashtag activism serve as amplifiers for suppressed voices and that in itself is a form of activism. Judging internet based activism can be very tricky because structure and organization does not seem to be as clear cut as demonstrative activism. However, it is important that people take the time to recognize the power and contributions of thoughtful ideas shared via internet – instead of negating the validity of the movement because it does not replicate conventional terms of activism. In “Hashtag Activism Is Not a Cop Out,” prominently known Twitter activist Deray Mckesson expresses the important role that the people of “Black Twitter” have played as he states, “Individual people can come together around things that they know are unjust. And they can spark change. Your body can be part of the protest; you don 't need a VIP pass to protest. And Twitter allowed that to happen.” Mckesson carefully explains the community oriented spirit of activism that is apparent in hashtag activism. Hashtag activism is infamous for effectively affecting social change and raising awareness. One of the …show more content…
This hashtag which has animated 1.26 million tweets and memes based on relatable black experiences has conceptualized and bridged stirring connections of nostalgia, laughter, and uprising amongst the black community. Considering the humorous and colloquial nature of the #growingupblack hashtag, its transformative powers are not as apparent. Though not as blatantly reformative and transgressive as the #blacklivesmatter or #bringbackourgirls hashtags, the #growingupblack hashtag rightfully stands its ground as form of activism. Considering that the initial intention of this hashtag was to promote black cultural unity and the success of this hashtag has bred a widespread amplification of marginalized voices, #growingupblack is undeniably a manifestation of