Biomedical research can change and affect animal’s lives in multiple different ways. Their expressions and the way they began to feel changes. Some animals began to feel like refugees, who lost their parents and their homes. (“I Acknowledge Mine” 608). They also began to have nightmares. (Goodall, 609). By the use of biomedical research animal lives are greatly affected. Animals that were once full of energy and zest for life, now sat huddled in the corner of their cages. …show more content…
Several humans feel that biomedical research on humans is not right. They are like human children in so many ways.(Goodall, 608.). They use similar movements to express their feelings and their emotional needs are the same. (Goodall, 608). The testing on animals is a controversial subject that can sometimes make people blood boil. (“NC State treats animals humanely.” , 1). Biomedical research on animals should not be accepted. Even if animal research meant a cure for AIDS we would be against it. (Animal researchers send message, 20-21). Animals deserve to be treated better. Animals feel that they are in a place where family and friends are torn apart and where social beings are locked away, innocent of crime, into solitary confinement.(Goodall, 614.). PETA's position is that all animals are equal and are not for humans to eat , wear, experiment on or use for entertainment. (Animal researchers send message, 25-26). Biomedical research does not give off a good concept and feels wrong in so many …show more content…
Biomedical research on animals is said to benefit medical technology. Todays animals are used in experiments for three general purposes: biomedical and behavioral research, education, drug and product testing... biomedical research increases understanding of how biological systems function and advances medical knowledge.(Use of Animals in Biomedical Research, 620). In many instances, these experiments are conducted with dead animals.(Use of Animals in Biomedical Research, 620). The first successful kidney transplant was performed on a dog, and the techniques used to save blue babies.(Use of Animals in Biomedical Research, 621). Scientist argue repeatedly that this research is necessary to reduce human and animals suffering and disease. Biomedical advances depend on research with animals, not using them would be unethical because it would deprive and animals of the benefits of research.(Use of Animals in Biomedical Research, 621). Scientist justify use of animals in biomedical research on two grounds: the contribution that the information makes to human and animal health and welfare, and the lack of any alternative way to gain the information and knowledge.(Use of Animals in Biomedical Research, 622). One demonstration of the critical role that animals play in medical and scientific advances is that 54 of 76 Nobel Prizes awarded in physiology or medicine since 1901 have been for discoveries and advances made