Language Assimilation Today: Summary

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It is inevitable to state that the United States is a nation that is culturally diverse. Even more, along with the component of culture, language stands out to be one of the most important cultural aspect that keeps communication and socialization available. As a result, “Language Assimilation Today: Bilingualism Persists More Than in the Past, But English Still Dominates” by Richard Alba discusses about the trends of assimilation by looking specifically at the 2000 Census data. The summary argues that the findings demonstrated that in second-generation children, bilingualism is prominent; whereas in the third-generation and later generations of children, English monolingualism becomes the prominent form. The study also looks at demographic trends, such as observing that although the third-generation children use more English in their lives, there are areas along the Spanish speaking borders that third-generation children are found to gear towards bilingualism. Thus, by noticing the trends and evaluating the assimilation of language allows for readers to understand how language and culture intermix in a society that is extremely culturally diverse. The United States remain as the foreground for immigration. In other words, many people from all over the world come to the United States in order to experience a better life, such as education and career choices. Although many cultures are mixed in the American salad bowl, Richard Alba argues that English is still the prominent and official language of the United States. Many of the first generation immigrants moved to America, predominantly speaking their native tongue. The second generation becomes more bilingual due to speaking the native tongue at home and speaking English in other settings. The third generation, then learns more English as the second generation can fluently communicate in English. However, the third generation still learns little bits and pieces of the native tongue. The generational patterns are prominent. However, the results vary depending on the groups or ethnicity of the participants. According to Alba, second generation bilingualism demonstrated that English proficiency is working fairly well in most groups. For instance, Alba states “Among second-generation Cuban children, for instance, 97 percent speak English well. Among second-generation Chinese children, the figure is 96 percent” (3). English proficiency seems to assimilate well with the second-generation children. However, in some groups, English proficiency becomes san issue due to back-and-forth migration or identity as refugees. For instance, “13 of the second-generation Hmong children do not speak English well” …show more content…
The differences between the percentages shows strong language assimilation patterns in more recent years. Alba explains that in second generation of English monolingualism, “In the case of Cubans, there seems to have been an increase over time in English monolingualism, which was reported for 19 percent of the second generation in 1990 and 27 percent in 2000” (9). What this demonstrates that speaking English at home has created a tendency for English language. However, the percentages are not so high that shows the existence of speaking native tongue at home as well. However, for the third generations, the percentages spiked in regards to the levels of English monolingualism. For instance, “Among the Chinese, for instance, the figure is the same in 1990 and 2000: 91 percent” (10). Even though the different annual data remains the same, it shows the vast change of language assimilation between the second generation and the third

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