The three fatty acid molecules enter a pathway that consists of Beta oxidation, Citric Acid Cycle, and electron transport chain. The substrate involved in Beta Oxidation include the three fatty acid molecules, coenzyme A, NAD, FAD, and ATP. The Beta Oxidation process involves activation of the fatty acids by addition of Acetyl-CoA and the subsequent break down of a 2-carbon fragment to form Acetyl-CoA. During this process Electrons and Hydrogen are removed and they are captured by NAD and FAD to form NADH and FADH2. The process …show more content…
Note: The inclusion of the following components aids in demonstrating the fluid mosaic structure: phospholipids, hydrophilic portion, hydrophobic portion, and membrane protein(s).
Task 5D: Explain how no-fat diets can affect the body (e.g., nutrient absorption, essential fatty acids), including each of the following:
While human body has capacity to synthesis saturated fatty acids, it can’t synthesis unsaturated fatty acids. Two important poly unsaturated fatty acids that are essential to human body are linolenic and linoleic acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have several double bonds.
The two fatty acids are used in the production of potent prostaglandins, a molecule that mediates not only pain but also inflammation. Prostaglandins also regulates pregnancy and labor. Another physiological importance of prostaglandins is controlling blood pressure, stomach secretions and contraction of smooth muscle. Potent prostaglandins is a very unstable molecule, making its half-life very short. This instability property makes it essential as a signaling molecule, since its effects are only felt near the area of production and it does last long enough to affect receptors in other areas (Neitzel,