The brand name of Barracuda is a simple and easily remember brand name represents the central theme of the product. The brand name easy to remember because the meaning of Barracuda is a type of fish and is known by people. Therefore, consumers will think of the product when they see the type of fish or they think of the fish. Thus, the brand name will easily stick in the mind of consumers. Besides that, Barracuda have their own website that is easily recall and search by consumers which is The consumers can easily access the website by just remembering the brand name itself. By using the website, consumers in any country can visit their website because it is worldwide.
3.2 Meaningfulness
The meaningfulness of a brand element is the extent to which it conveys the general information about the nature of the product category as well as the specific information about the particular attributes and benefits of the brand. (Lombard, 2007). Barracuda is a ray-finned fish known for its large size and fearsome appearance. Barracuda is origin from American Spanish. Barracuda that can be define as one that uses aggressive, selfish and sometime unethical method to obtain a goal especially in business. For Barracuda, its meaningfulness can be strongly explained with the strong and aggressive towards the company. 3.3 Likability Brand name plays an important role in increasing the likeability of customers. A well-designed and strategy brand name can evoke much verbal imagery to customers which can help to increase their likability. Verbal imagery is important in positioning the brand into customers’ mind by using words to create a picture. Barracuda evoke much verbal imagery to customers, as people think of Barracuda luggage, they will automatically think of the collapsible luggage. The URLs of Barracuda has specified as Barracuda has easy access official website and can be purchase online through Internet. 3.4 Transferability The brand name itself bring the meaning of a type of fierce fish which have strong jaws and sharp teeth that could swim very fast, in the same time very aggressive as well. The name Barracuda itself do not give us any impression about what their products which is luggage. For every country, barracuda gives an impression of a fierce fish. But in the U.S, it brings different meaning. According to the urban dictionary, it means “a promiscuous, sexually aggressive woman, someone who takes a traditionally masculine approach …show more content…
The company developed the brand name “Barracuda”, which has a resemblance of a type of fish. The public has taken a great interest in Barracuda and the company decided to trademark their brand name to prevent counterfeit issues and imitator brands which aims to gain profit by imitating their brand. In order to protect their brand, their application for a trademark has been filed on the 19th of April, 2015 with a US serial number of 86602286. The registration is currently still in process and under review (Inventively, n.d.). Besides, the company developed a website for Barracuda at which could spread awareness and introduce their product features to the public. Barracuda’s website is copyrighted under Idea Potent Inc. (previously Idea Potent LLC). In short, Idea Potent Inc. took a great effort in protecting their brand (Barracuda) and the website ( legally to prevent competition from counterfeit and imitator