The two movies were personally substantial. The moral and the actual meaning of the movies were congenial. The theme and the messages given were easy to understand, and how they came to be. The movies had comparisons, but were also contrasted in many ways. “The Whole Gritty City” was based on a band going to march for a very long time. “The Majestic Knights” were going to the National High-Step Competition”. There was four bands, three from New …show more content…
The gang violence, the bad neighborhoods, kids and their parents struggling. Low academics and how children were bad. Many people were harmed in the past or present from these activities. Many of the band students were in the marching band to get better, and enjoy what they do. It has changed them to not get into trouble and to focus more in school. At night the marching bands had practice and every weekend. Meaning it wasn’t possible for them to get into any possible conflict.
One marching band had gone to the High-Step Nationals and came in 3rd place. The had to make an effort to get there. Not by themselves, but with each other. “The Ballou Majestic Knights Documentary” showed the band as if they were a family. The camera people followed some individuals and had gotten a brief detail of what they go through and what they want to do to change that. Children had gone through rough situations either because their parents were struggling or they had to take care of their siblings without any