The education required for being an auto body technician is having a diploma from high school. It is really important to also know what types of program they offer you in high school because they can offer an auto body class like the one i was in. Also finishing your associate’s degree it requires 2 years of training because it has a lot of specific parts of training, but also the most important is practice the more time you spend in the shop fixing a car the more you learn about it. A good example was given by Jeremy who runs ruben’s auto body shop who said “get familiar with cars.” Not only is this something that impact me or sparks my interest but it also impacts the …show more content…
It is really important that you wear the appropriate clothes to be in a shop. One good example that an owner of an auto body shop will say is that you have to wear safety glasses at all times even when is not necessary to use them. In auto body shops it’s a requirement you use safety clear glasses. Also always use a machine at a time it is really important because you need to shut a machine off to use another one because all of the machines are really dangerous and more when they are not being