Economic Growth is a valuation of a country’s …show more content…
Pressure for faster growth and higher export demand has also led to significant deforestation. Forest fires in Indonesia have a large impact on the environment and are mostly associated with illegal logging. The smog coming from Indonesia also affects other countries in the region such as Singapore and Malaysia, contributing to an almost permanent haze over much of south-east Asia. Other environmental concerns include overuse of marine resources, air pollution, traffic congestion and garbage and sewage disposal, and access to clean water due to the large population and expanding urbanisation and development. On the other hand, Australia has a high level of environmental quality despite being a highly urbanised society. Land use is zoned by local governments with commercial and industrial land use being separated from residential land use and agriculture. Australia has strict environmental standards which are enforces through federal acts and state legislation. Australia’s main challenges include air pollution from factories, land degradation, water contamination, greenhouse gas emissions, which are high in Australia because of the large coal fired electricity industry, and protection and preservation of sites such as Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef. Australia releases almost 8 times as much carbon dioxide per capita than Indonesia, however Indonesia has a much lower percentage of the population that has access to fresh water, with only 87% having access, while 100% of the Australian population have full access. Australia, though having more greenhouse gas emissions is the more environmentally sustained country, compared to Indonesia, where the government has less influence on the protection of certain