We all know this movie and we see it every day. It’s become another statistic, another kid hit by a drunk driver or man committing suicide with a bottle of bourbon. We see it so often that we tune it out like your father or mother telling you to take out the trash. It’s a franchise movie put out every quarter, and boy just look at those numbers grow. Armageddon happens every day and it’s welcomed by tall men and women on soap boxes. There’s never a real resolution to these films just a series of epilogues thrown into a popcorn bag for your choosing. It always ends with a climax with some sort of retribution that everyone agrees with in the employee lounge. Blood gets blood and if the villain isn’t privy to that then they get a stay in a steel motel. The victims never get their say because they weren’t casted in an important role, it wouldn’t have sold well. The true villain of this film is never seen. He’s always in the shadows but we always know he’s there. His name is Honesty and we don’t like him. He has scary long hair and a voice that would never allow your large soda to cool. We don’t like the things he says, they make us uncomfortable. “This happens every day”, “Now you have a reason to pay attention”, “There’s no such thing as bad press” and “Time to tune in, its happened again” are some of my personal fav’s. He’s never addressed as even existing and he won’t be for the foreseeable sequels. The audience must be ready to accept the …show more content…
They laugh and dance with precious green things in their pockets as we gather up our metal and powder currency. The fan boy rage is all consuming and we are timid and wary of the sequel coming out next year. We aren’t worried about the cast members of the film but rather if we are going to be able to get our review out on time. We need to inform the audience of our opinion less they be stripped of their enjoyment of what is certainly the popcorn event of the year.
We turn our review into the soapbox. The soapbox is a ladder in which all of our dearest and personal friends are on. Some people on the soap box are on the top and some hang from the sides. Neither mind though, it’s such a pleasant place to discuss movies and the conversation is always entertaining. The clean shirts are there too but they put on cool glasses and ironic trucker hats, they make us laugh so we don’t mind them