Arguments Against Gun Possession

Superior Essays
Gun Possession
On June of this year, in a nightclub located in South Carolina, a horrible shooting took place. A man named Thompson came into the place illegally carrying a firearm, which he used to cause mayhem at the nightclub. He successfully injured four people that night, but the fourth person he shot was not going to let it go on any further. This wounded man took a concealed weapon he had on him and neutralized the shooter. Thompson was later charged with four counts of attempted murder and illegal possession of a firearm. The man who stopped Thompson had no charges against him because he legally owned his firearm and had a carrying permit. The point of this story is to show that gun possession and concealed firearms are not a bad thing.
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Whether it is for self-defense, the defense of others, or just being prepared for a governmental crisis, everyone should keep an open mind about gun possession and the act of carrying concealed weapons. An event similar to the tragedies that occurred in the nightclub at South Carolina and at Mercy Health could happen anywhere and at any time. The best way to be prepared for situations like this is to allow the innocent citizens of America to be armed with the protection of a firearm. The threat of a political crisis occurring is also a serious threat that should not be overlooked. If America’s government were to take away everyone’s right to own guns, then the helpless citizens of this country would be left defenseless against any threat that other people or the government would pose to them. It is understandable that people would be wary of guns, especially with all the shootings going on around the world. However, the use or even the presence of a gun in legal cases should not always sway the ruling. The main reason this is happening is not because the presence of a firearm is legitimate or incriminating evidence. The fact that this happens shows that there is a general fear of guns. Therefore, people do not need to be controlled by their fear when deciding where to stand on the issue of gun possession and the act of carrying a concealed weapon. They need to keep an open mind and realize the benefits of gun possession and be cautious of the effects stronger gun restrictions could have on the rights granted by the Second

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